DUI Expungement
Jackson DUI Attorney
Having a criminal record is no walk in the park, and as you probably know, a criminal record creates difficult consequences, especially when it comes to finding gainful employment, housing, and certain professional licenses. It's a fact that having to answer "yes" when asked if you have ever been convicted of a criminal offense will certainly impose unwanted roadblocks in your life.
Thanks to House Bill 412, eligible parties who were convicted of a first time DUI on or before June 30, 2014 may petition the court for an expunction in the circuit court where the conviction occurred. At Camp Law Firm, we would love to help you take advantage of this new law so you can put your DUI conviction behind you once and for all.
Why we should be your first call:
- We offer free consultations
- We have flexible payment plans available
- We have been defending DUI cases since 1997
- We are available round-the-clock
What are the benefits of an expungement?
An expungement refers to the process of sealing an arrest and conviction record. While the laws vary from state to state, most states provide that once a criminal record history is expunged, it doesn't need to be disclosed to potential employers or landlords.
Once a criminal record history is expunged, the effect of the order means that the person shall be restored to the status before his or her indictment. This means that such person may legally deny their arrest, indictment or trial, as if it never happened.
In order to expunge a DUI record, at least five (5) years must have passed after the date of entry of the judgment. A DUI expungement is only available to a person:
- Who has successfully completed all terms and conditions of their sentence;
- Who did not refuse a chemical test;
- Whose blood alcohol concentration tested below .16%;
- Who provides the court with a justification as to why their case should be expunged; and
- Who does not hold a commercial driver's license or commercial learner's permit.
Are you eligible for a DUI expungement?
Beginning October 1, 2014, qualified offenders will become eligible to have their DUI conviction expunged providing they meet the criteria above. To find out if you meet the eligibility requirements, contact a Jackson DUI attorney from Camp Law by calling (888) 775-5868 – we look forward to helping you!

Recent Results
Results-Driven Strategies to Protect Your Rights
Dismissed Assault Charge
Dismissed DUI
Dismissed DUI CDL Driver
Dismissed DUI Second Offense
Charge Dismissed Felony Evasion
Dismissed With Probation Possession Charge

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